Individual Women Investors’ Club

For whom was the Individual Women Investors’ Club created?

For women operating successfully in the fields of investment, economics, business and finance, who want to create a zone of support, mentoring and education on activities in the capital, financial and curb-stone markets for other women

For female entrepreneurs developing their own business who want to broaden their knowledge of personal finance and investment through quality education, contact with outstanding practitioners and inspiration by best authority figures

For women interested in building their own financial independence

For women interested in building relationships and sharing experiences actively in the above areas.

Our goals:

  • Educating through access to the latest knowledge, contact with experts and creating a space for learning, integration, experience exchange and establishing relationships
  • Inspiring women to actively make decisions in the area of investing and securing the future
  • Supporting women’s entrepreneurship and developing their competence in safe money investment and business
  • Creating a safe space to learn, integrate, exchange experiences and establish professional and personal relationships.

About us

The Individual Women Investors’ Club (KlubInwestorekIndywidualnych) is an initiative that responds to the growing aspirations and competence of women to appear on the financial markets, while recognizing the need to overcome the obstacles they still face. It aims to promote and shape investor competence among women and to support their bold and sustainable business actions in line with the global ESG trend (E – Environmental, S – Social, and G – Governance).

Our mission is financial education and building entrepreneurial attitudes among women, inspiring and supporting them to develop their own businesses and financial independence. We will also, consistently with the times, raise public awareness of the importance of gender equality and work to increase the opportunities and possibilities that women’s talents bring to investing and business.

Our activities

Trainings, seminars and workshops within two main areas – personal finances and investing, and entrepreneurship and own business development with the latest trends and expert knowledge

Consultations with a permanent group of Club experts, during which participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the financial market and the possibility of investing savings through investments on the stock market and in other areas such as real estate, luxury goods or the art market

Exchanging experiences and building professional relationships during Club meetings

President of the Board of Experts

Ewa Kumorek-Fedor

Founder, CEO of the Individual Women Investors’ Club

Expert/Management Board

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Borowski


Jarosław Grzywiński

Capital Markets Expert at Business Centre Club, President of the Institute of Capital Markets and Finance

Grzegorz Łętocha

Member of the Management Board at Nationale-Nederlanden PTE

Milena Olszewska-Miszuris

ACCA, CFA, FSA Credential-holder, Co-Chair 30% Club Poland

Maciek Samcik

Polish journalist and economic commentator, financial blogger.

Andrzej Stec

Editor-in-chief of the Parkiet and deputy editor-in-chief of the Rzeczpospolita dailies

Magdalena Zajączkowska-Ejsymont

Investment Advisor

Marek Zuber

Economist and financial markets analyst


Kobiety biznesu pytają: jak zostać inwestorkami? W erze wysokiej inflacji bez tego ani rusz.


Eksperci Klubu Inwestorek Indywidualnych o inwestowaniu w czasach inflacji


Klub Inwestorek Indywidualnych przyznał tytuły Kobieta Biznesu 2022 roku



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