Individual Women Investors’ Club
For whom was the Individual Women Investors’ Club created?

Our goals:
- Educating through access to the latest knowledge, contact with experts and creating a space for learning, integration, experience exchange and establishing relationships
- Inspiring women to actively make decisions in the area of investing and securing the future
- Supporting women’s entrepreneurship and developing their competence in safe money investment and business
- Creating a safe space to learn, integrate, exchange experiences and establish professional and personal relationships.
About us
The Individual Women Investors’ Club (KlubInwestorekIndywidualnych) is an initiative that responds to the growing aspirations and competence of women to appear on the financial markets, while recognizing the need to overcome the obstacles they still face. It aims to promote and shape investor competence among women and to support their bold and sustainable business actions in line with the global ESG trend (E – Environmental, S – Social, and G – Governance).
Our mission is financial education and building entrepreneurial attitudes among women, inspiring and supporting them to develop their own businesses and financial independence. We will also, consistently with the times, raise public awareness of the importance of gender equality and work to increase the opportunities and possibilities that women’s talents bring to investing and business.
Our activities